From 31 January 2019 till 30 January 2021 a team of researchers from the Scientific Institute of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art of the University of Latvia in cooperation with partners from Bulgaria, Cyprus and Belgium has implemented the project “MyHUB - a one-stop-shop on inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for the pedagogical staff at formal and non-formal educational institutions” (604454-EPP-1-2018-1-LV-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN). Project partners have collected materials and good practices tested in international practice for implementing inclusive education at different educational levels. Annotations of materials are already available in English, Latvian, Bulgarian, Greek and Dutch in the MyHUB repository. The MyHUB Handbook contains an information on the principles of inclusive education and the situation in the project countries.
In the video presented above, Santa Iesmiņa, an English teacher shares her experience in the field of inclusive education and expresses her opinion about MyHUB materials. Santa works as a teacher and teaches English as a foreign language to 7th-12th grade students. She perceives inclusive education in a broader context, not just as working with students with learning difficulties. According to her, school practices are affected by intercultural differences caused by globalisation. When planning lessons, it is necessary to take into account the individual development peculiarities of each student, as well as the cooperation of a teacher with parents. Santa Iesmiņa has learned about the MyHUB platform from Zanda Rubene, a professor of the University of Latvia. Santa is approached by the fact that in this platform interested persons can find not only previously tested teaching materials, lesson plans, tasks and descriptions of activities, but also a wide range of current publications and conclusions about inclusive education in the world. In Santa’s case, the materials collected on the MyHUB platform have been used to improve communication with students and their parents, as well as for personal and professional development. As an English teacher, she often encounters students for whom reading is a challenge. Santa notes that the materials collected in the MyHUB repository provide insight into the world experience and help to improve the quality of working with students with dyslexia. She recommends that the platform be used by colleagues not only in Latvia but also elsewhere in the world, as almost every student has his/her own unique learning needs or learning challenges. In this platform, you will find not only valuable tools, resources and materials to deal with these challenges, but also inspiration to implement inclusive education on a daily basis.