Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art (FEPA) (until March 29, 2010 - Faculty of Education and Psychology, Decision No. 350 of the Senate of the University of Latvia (UL) of March 29, 2010) Scientific Institute of Pedagogy (SIP) was established in accordance with ULdecision no. 283.
The essence of SIP activities of the FEPA of the UL is to conduct high-quality scientific research based on the current needs of Latvian society and individuals and to implement research results in the study process, educational and other institutions.
The aim of the SIP is to ensure the quality of scientific and applied research in the sub-sectors of pedagogical science, to integrate research results into academic education, to provide quality training for young researchers and to promote pedagogical findings in Latvian society in order to promote humane education and human potential in lifelong learning.
The structure of the SIP shall be structured in accordance with the activities of the SIP, taking into account the available resources. The structure of the institute includes doctoral studies in pedagogy, project groups, thematic groups, and other subdivisions. The structure of the Institute shall be approved by the SIP Scientific Council on a proposal from the Director of SIP.
Director: Dr.paed., Professor Linda Daniela
E-mail: linda.daniela@lu.lv
Chairman of the General Meeting: Dr.paed., leading researcher. Svetlana Surikova
E-mail: svetlana.surikova@lu.lv
Secretary of the General Meeting: Dr.paed., researcher. Tamāra Pīgozne
E-mail: tamara_pigozne@inbox.lv; tamara.pigozne@lu.lv
Chair of the Scientific Council: Dr.paed., Professor . Iveta Ķestere
E-mail: iveta.kestere@lu.lv
Secretary of the Scientific Council: Mg.paed. Ilona Gehtmane-Hofmane
E-mail: ilona.gehtmane-hofmane@lu.lv
Subprojects of the University of Latvia 2020 research project “Human, technology and quality of education”: https://www.pzi.lu.lv/ctik-2020/
University of Latvia, Faculty of Education, Psychology and Art, research subprojects for 2020: https://www.pzi.lu.lv/petnieciba/ppmf-2020/