Latvijas Universitātes (LU) Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes (PPMF) profesore Linda Daniela ir sagatavojusi un sadarbībā ar izdevniecību "Cambridge Scolars Publishing" tiek izdota grāmata "INOVĀCIJAS, TEHNOLOĢIJAS UN PĒTNIECĪBA IZGLĪTĪBĀ (Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education)", kurā ir apkopoti ATEE Pavasara (Spring) 2017 konferencē prezentētie pētījumu rezultāti. Paldies visiem autoriem, kas piedalījās konferencē, prezentēja savus pētījumus un sagatavoja rakstus, kas ir iekļauti šajā grāmatā.  


Event Horizon: Helping Students to Learn What Nobody Knows Yet
Neus Loreno Galés and Raymond Gallon
Digital Literacies for Language Learning and Teaching:  From a Conceptual Framework to the Design and Development of an Online Portal
Odette Gabaudan and Susanna Nocchi
Production of Bilingual Didactic Videos for Deaf Engineering Students: A Case at Federal University of VIÇOSA (Brazil)
José Timóteo Júnior, André Luis Santos de Souza,
Vinícius Catão de Assis Souza and Silvane Guimarães Silva Gomes
Online Science Teacher Education: The Case of a Master’s Programme
Laurinda Leite and Luís Dourado
Development of Massive Open Online Courses
Basri Ahmedi, Xhevdet Thaqi, Ragmi Mustafa, Artan Dermaku,
Ekrem Alimi and Nysret Demaku
Digital Childhood: Some Reflections from the Point of View of Philosophy of Education
Zanda Rubene
Team-Based Learning in Management
Jelena Stepanova
Benefits of Time Management Skills, Teamwork Skills and Personal Information Management Perceived by Students from the Polish-Belarusian Borderland
Alicja Korzeniecka-Bondar, Bożena Tołwińska,
Katarzyna Borawska-Kalbarczyk
Education for Creativity: Tourism Employers’ Preferences
Kamila Perederenko and Ineta Luka
Professional and Technological Education in Brazil: The Expansion of the Federal Institute
Adriano A. R. Barbosa
Robot as Agent in Reducing Risks of Early School Leaving
Linda Daniela and Raimonds Strods
RoboESL in Our School Community: Follow up and Sustainability
Michele Lattarulo, Giovanni Massidda and Erica Sozzi
From Being Past RoboESL Students to Becoming Robotics-Teacher Assistants
Georgios Ioannou Fragkakis
Lego Robot as Teaching Tools in Vocational Teacher Education in Uganda: Objects to Think With
Birger Brevik
Role of a Principal in Financial Education Management
Agnese Kozlovska and Linda Mihno
Goal Management and Teacher Competence Development in Schools
Anete Butkēviča
Prospective Teachers’ View of Primary School Pupils in Latvia
Ineta Helmane
Competent Teacher for Inclusive Education: What Does it Mean for Latvia?
Dita Nīmante
Empowering Inclusive Teachers for Today and Tomorrow (EITTT)
Iveta Liepina, Laura Zavacka and Anne Ryan
The Philosophical Underpinnings of School-Based Health Education
Inese Stars
A Proposal for an In-Service Teacher Training Course on Sexuality and Disability Based on a Review and Meta-Analysis of Intervention Studies
Ana Cláudia Bortolozzi Maia and Teresa Vilaça
How Do Teachers Use Soap Opera as a Political and Educational Device After an In-Service Teacher-Training Course an Sexuality Education?
Teresa Vilaça, Elizane De Andrade and Sonia Maria Martins De Mel
Narratives of Consumerism in Parenting: Perspective from the Magazine “My Baby”
Dace Medne, Nora Jansone-Ratinika and Ilze Dinka
Game in Pedagogical Pilot Activity for Pre-School Age Children with Phonetic – Phonematic Insufficiency
Ilze Vilka
The Understanding of the Meaning of Learning by Students and Seniors Nowadays
Martins Veide
