A group of researchers from the University of Latvia together with partners in Bulgaria, Cyprus and Belgium in the project “My Hub online repository of inclusive good practices, resources, resources, methodologies for use in formal and non-formal education” (604454-EPP-1-2018-1-EN EPPKA3-IPI -SOC-IN) continues to work on the systematisation of materials and the dissemination of project results.
Work has been completed on the development of mobile applications for the operating systems Android and iPhone, with the help of which it is possible to quickly and easily use the materials collected in the project “MyHUB - one-stop agency for inclusion practices, tools, resources and methods for formal and non-formal education staff. The development of mobile applications is also considered to be a significant contribution to the promotion of the project. It is planned to present the developed applications to the members of the Advisory Board in May. Links to the applications are available here.
The development of the handbook and the translation of its individual parts into the working languages of the project have been completed. The handbook is available on the project website.
The results of the project are disseminated and discussed in teacher education and in-service training.
The project team at the University of Latvia is researchers of the Pedagogical Research Institute of the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Art: Dr. paed. Linda Daniela (project manager), Dr. paed. Zanda Rubene, Dr. paed. Dita Nīmante, Dr.paed. Gunta Siliņa-Jasjukeviča, Dr.paed. Svetlana Surikova, PhD student Mg. paed. Arta Rūdolfa, Mg.paed. Katrīna Elizabete Puriņa-Biezā.
The project will last 36 months and will end on January 30, 2022.
The project is funded by the European Commission's Erasmus + K3 program.