The training aimed to provide examples of how adult educators can practice the DigitALAD project methodology - Handbook, Training program, and Online learning modules to be implemented in their own countries.
Opening the first day of the lesson, Professor Linda Daniela presented to the participants the basic principles of distance learning that need to be followed to be successful. She provided insights into different types of digital resources, discussed aspects of online learning and the challenges of using technology for cognitive development. Participants were given tips on how to organize online learning properly. Linda Daniela especially emphasized the need to promote student motivation. Gamification principles were mentioned as promoters of motivation in the learning process, as using them helps students feel more comfortable and develop learning motivation.
The project partners from the Rural Hub (Ireland) provided an insight into the sections of the DigitALAD Handbook - Empowering learners, Accessibility and Inclusion and Differentiation and Personalization. Using the interactive platform Padlet, participants reflected on what learner support means to them, discussed learning styles and how they affect students' ability to integrate into the learning process. Participants were introduced to practical ways in which learners can develop the competencies mentioned above.
On the second day of the learning session, the Project Partners from Cardet (Cyprus) provided insight into the DigitALAD Handbook content. By participating in the survey, each participant indicated how well they know the content of the DigitALAD handbook. At the end of the session, EAEA partners (Belgium) informed participants about good practice examples in adult learning using digital tools.
If the epidemiological situation improves, then the other planned DigitALAD training sessions will be organized in person, planned from 9th-10th July 2021.
The University of Latvia is represented in the project by prof. Linda Daniela and scientific assistant Alise Oļesika.
The target group of the project is educators working with adults and adult learners.
Project implementation period: 01.11.2019. - 31.10.2021.
The leading partner of the project is the University of Latvia and participating organizations are Aegean University (Greece), Center for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology / CARDET (Cyprus), European Association for the Education of Adults / EAEA (Belgium), Jaitek Technology & Training (Spain), INNOVADE (Cyprus), The Rural Hub (Ireland), Schweizerischer Verband für Weiterbildung / SVEB (Switzerland).