As part of this project, four exchange visits have been organized, each addressing a critical issue in education within the context of digitalization. The very first exchange visit on November 2024 brought together over 35 teachers, students, and education leaders from Ireland, France, Spain, and Latvia. During the visit to Rennes II University, participants explored how integrating technology and digital teaching materials can advance inclusive education. This diverse group shared experiences, exchanged ideas, and gained valuable insights into fostering collaboration in digital education and enhancing pedagogy for the future.
Teachers, students and education leaders actively engaged in the parallel sessions. The sessions provided a collaborative platform for educators to explore innovative strategies for teaching and learning in the digital age where they acquired both theoretical knowledge and enhanced their practical skills by utilizing digital tools for the creation of educational materials.
Partners from Ireland (MIC) shared they experience in discussion about the topic of Accessibility and Inclusion – Who is Included and Excluded in Digital Learning? This session focused on understanding the principles of universal design and its application in digital education. In seesion about Assessment and Analyzing Evidence – Data Analytics to Support Inclusive Assessment and Planning Singlo22 (Spain) shared experience on how can Educators delved into the use of data analytics to assess student performance and plan for inclusive education.
University of Latvia focosed on Empowering Educators with AI to Create and Customize Digital Learning Resources. This session highlighted the transformative potential of AI in education. Teachers were introduced to AI-powered tools that assist in creating and customizing digital learning materials. And finally, colleagues from France presented digital pedagogy methods that combine digital and physical learning resources to support inclusion and integrate various learning styles into the pedagogical process. In the afternoon, participants worked in groups, reflecting on the knowledge gained, engaging in practical activities, and sharing their experiences while seeking solutions to the current challenge of promoting inclusive education in the digital future.
The second goal of this exchange trip was the opportunity to visit various educational institutions to observe firsthand how modern technologies are integrated into the learning process. Teachers shared their experiences on how they create an inclusive environment and use technology to enhance student learning outcomes. French educators shared their insights and challenges related to integrating technology into the educational process.
The next international visit within this project is planned for April in Madrid, hosted by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Fundación Siglo22. The educators and representatives from the education sector will once again meet to exchange experiences and best practices on the importance of teachers' digital literacy and improving technological infrastructure in educational institutions.
Partners involved in the project: The project involves six partners from five different European Leading partner from project is Mary Inmaculate College (Ireland). Other project partners: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Fundación Siglo22 from Spain, Universite Rennes II from France, Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board, Ireland and University of Latvia.
Project: Integrated Digital Educational Leadership for the Future Teaching Academy IDEAL Futures
Project Nr.: 101104194/ERASMUS-EDU-2022-PEX-TEACH-ACA
Project term: From June 15, 2023 till June 14, 2026