Rubene Z., Dimdiņš Ģ., Miltuze A., Daniela L., Baranova S., Medne D., Jansone-Ratinika N., Āboltiņa L., Kaļķe B., Blumberga A., Anohina-Naumeca A., Bernande M., Āboliņa A., Lāma G., Oļesika A., Sarva E., Sīlis M., Lastovska A., Zālīte-Supe Z. (2023). Augstākajā izglītībā studējošo kompetenču novērtējums un to attīstības dinamika studiju periodā. 2. kārtas noslēguma ziņojums. Rīga: LU., URL:, ISBN  978-9934-9225-0-3

Slišāne, A., & Oļesika, A. (2022). Entrepreneurial Skills – a Pathway to Sustainable Social Innovations? Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 2022. Proceedings of Scientific Papers, p.785-799. DOI:10.22364/htqe.2022.56, URL:, ISBN 978-9934-18-911-1 

Dimdiņš, Ģ., Miltuze, A., & Oļesika, A. (2022). Development and initial validation of an assessment tool for student transversal competences. Human, Technologies and Quality of Education, 2022. Proceedings of Scientific Papers, p.449-463, DOI:10.22364/htqe.2022.32, URL:, ISBN 978-9934-18-911-1

Slišāne, A., Lāma, G., Oļesika, A., Rubene, Z. Students’ Self-assessment of Entrepreneurship Competence in the Study Process – Latvian Case Study. // 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. ICERI, Spain, 2022, p. 2624-2632, ISSN 2340-1095,

Oļesika, A., Lāma, G., Slišāne, A., Rubene, Z. Latvian Higher Education Students' Self-assessment of the Innovative Competence in the Study Process. // 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. ICERI, Spain, 2022, p. 3905-3912, ISSN 2340-1095,

Slišāne, A., Lāma, G., & Rubene, Z. How is entrepreneurship as generic and professional competence diverse? Some reflections on the evaluation of university students' generic competencies (students of education and bioeconomic). In Frontiers in Education (p. 512). Frontiers: