Latvijas Universitātē (LU) un LU Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātē notiks ikgadējā starptautiskā viesprofesoru un studentu nedēļa: no 8. līdz 12. maijam - 8th International Week of Professors “Internationalization and Values” un no 9. līdz 11. maijam - "6th Inernational Student's Research Conferenc". Šogad studentu konferences moto ir "Be a voice not an echo!". Pievienojies, nāc iedvesmoties no viesprofesoru un studentu pētījumiem, kā arī labi pavadīt laiku.

A brief overview of 8th International Week of Professors “Internationalization and Values” May 8 – 12, 2017
The values we would like to share with you this year are:
  1. University campus at Academic Centre for Natural Sciences of the University of Latvia in Torņkalns where we plan to be also in “near” future;
  2. Art and design at Riga State Gymnasium No.3 – the exhibition of Form 7 -10 students’ works;
  3. Ethnography as the richness of Latvian culture heritage at National Costume Centre SENĀ KLĒTS where you will learn about Latvian ethnography and find nice souvenirs from Latvia`s craftsmen! Here you will find exhibition of more than 45 Latvian National Costumes from different regions of Latvia, also handicrafts from linen, wool, and fine embroidery, colourful fabrics, jewellery;
  4. Food – we will cook and taste our national food
  5. Healthy lifestyle and our sea - we will meditate and walk and talk at the Baltic Sea
  6. Internationalization and crafts – we will have the possibility to appreciate the handcrafts of other cultures: Korea, Japan, Ukraine, Germany, Austria, Kazakhstan.
  7. National library –  we will visit National Library of Latvia, Riga, Mūkusalas iela 3
  8. Internationalization at schools – we will travel to schools to teach and to observe.
Uz tikšanos!
