Latvijas UNiversitātes (LU) Mazajā aulā (Raiņa bulv. 19) 14. decembrī plkst. 15:00-⁠18:00 notiks informācijas un pieredzes apmaiņas pasākums par programmas Apvārsnis 2020 aktuāliem jautājumiem. Pasākumā piedalīsies Igaunijas Nacionālā Kontaktpunkta pārstāve – izcila un profesionāla Apvārsnis 2020 eksperte KRISTIN KRAAV no Tartu.


KRISTIN KRAAV Kristin Kraav works as an NCP since 2002. Currently, she is NCP and the national delegate to the Programme Committee for three areas of Horizon 2020: European Research Council, Marie Sk?odowska-⁠Curie Actions, and Spreading excellence and widening participation. As NCP, she consults clients on proposal preparation and project implementation, pre-⁠screens applications, and organises communication and training events. As Programme Committee delegate she is in charge of consolidating national positions on draft Work Programmes. Kristin Kraav has a background in IT and adult education, and is regularly updating her training and event moderation skills.
